- Written by webmin
- Published: 30 Oct 2012
medical management solutions
Solutions for sound medical management are found in Peer benchmarking by Ron Sturgeon. Meeting with your peer physicians in a series of ongoing roundtable sessions has been found very effective in promoting your medical practice managers and therefore medical management, call for more.
Solid patient management
By measuring your patient management metrics with your fellow physicians, a theme of success always emerges. Learn what is successful in today’s physicians practice management by calling for your Peer benchmarking by Ron Sturgeon group. Solidify your medical management, call for details.
Maximizing doctors practice
The aim of your peer group roundtables with facilitator is to maximize your doctors practice. peer benchmarking by Ron Sturgeon serves as a medical consultant but multiplied many times over. Maximize your medical management, call for your peer group now.
Posted in Strategic Planning