- Written by webmin
- Published: 20 Aug 2012
medical marketing for thriving practices
To discover medical marketing for thriving practices you need only Peer benchmarking by Ron Sturgeon where you meet at a roundtable with 10-12 of your peers to tackle issues like sound medical marketing management and effective and proven medical marketing and more, call to begin.
Assured marketing healthcare
Assured marketing healthcare happens when you’ve been able to see measured results within your group in Peer benchmarking by Ron Sturgeon. Learn how physician to physician marketing is one of the most effective means of medical marketing today. Call for details.
medical internet marketing that builds
For medical internet marketing that builds practices your peer group is your number one resource. Peer benchmarking by Ron Sturgeon is the roundtable way to align with your peers to share, compare and measure results for determining best practices. This form of medical marketing consulting is an absolute in a medical marketing maze. Call to begin.
Posted in Strategic Planning